Each of the miners emergeed from the capsule named "Fenix" wearing a shirt that says, "Thank you Lord." On the back are the words, "To Him be the glory and honor," taken from Psalm 95:4. "Because in his hands are the depths of the earth, and the heights of the mountains are His."
The shirts were donated by the brother of miner Jose Henriquez, who is an evangelical Christian and has been a spiritual guide for the group. The idea for the shirts came to Henriquez's brother, also a Christian, after hearing a sermon from his pastor on Psalm 95.
Mario Sepúlveda, the second worker to be rescued and the one who gained the admiration of the world for his good attitude when he came out of the mine, was the first to speak to the press.
"God and the devil were fighting over me and God won", he said. " I always knew they would get me out. I always had faith in the professionals here in Chile and in the Great Creator."
The fourth miner to surface was the Bolivian Carlos Mamani. He knelt down, as soon as he came out of the capsule and pointed to heaven, giving thanks to God.
Omar Reygadas, a 56-year-old electrician did the same. He came out of the capsule with a Bible in his hands and knelt down to give thanks to God. Written on his helmet was, "God lives."
Terrific Stuff -- Thank the Lord for His protection and provision.